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The Benefits of Motorcycle Dash Cams for Insurance Purposes

People riding motorcycles with dash cameras

Whether you use your motorcycle to commute to and from work or you enjoy hitting the roads for sheer fun, it's essential to have a reliable motorcycle insurance policy to protect yourself in case of an incident.

We all know that mishaps can occur no matter how safe we are.

Unfortunately, proving that you were not at fault can be challenging, especially if the other party is trying to put the blame on your shoulders.

This is where installing cameras on your motorcycle can come in handy. Below, we’ll reveal everything you need to know about this.

What is a dash cam?

A dash cam, or a dashboard camera, is a small video camera that you can fit onto your motorcycle.

It captures real-time surveillance footage of the road ahead or behind the motorcycle while driving. Dash cams tend to operate automatically, yet you’ll also benefit from an on/off switch.

Your dash cam acts as a silent witness, capturing video evidence should you ever need to make a claim.

How dash cams can impact your motorcycle insurance

Not only can your dash cam provide evidence and peace of mind, but it can also affect your insurance in many ways. This includes the following:

Having a record of your incident

A dash cam can provide valuable evidence of what happened in the unfortunate event of an accident or collision.

The recorded cam footage can help establish fault and provide a clear account of the incident, which can be crucial when filing an insurance claim.

Fighting insurance fraud

Did you know insurance fraud costs American consumers at least $308.6 billion yearly?1

From staged accidents to false claims, insurance fraud is a considerable concern.

However, with a dash cam, you have documented evidence of any incidents on the road.

This evidence can help refute fraudulent claims against you, protecting you from potential liability and preventing increased insurance premiums.

Making you a better driver

Dash cams can also be helpful in terms of improving your driving behavior.

Knowing you are being recorded can encourage you to drive more cautiously, obey traffic laws, and be more aware of your surroundings.

Some advanced dashcams even provide real-time feedback and alerts for potential dangers, helping you develop safer driving habits.

Capturing unexpected events

You never know what you’ll end up recording on your camera.

Dash cams can record unexpected events on the road, such as near-misses, road hazards, or unique encounters.

Sometimes, this video footage can be a remarkable record of a weird or wonderful riding experience.

In other situations, it can be helpful when reporting incidents to the authorities or your insurance company.

Monitoring your teen's driving

Has your teenager recently acquired a motorcycle? If so, you may be worried sick that they aren’t being safe on the roads.

Luckily, you can use a dash cam to monitor their driving habits so that you can sleep at night.

By reviewing the recorded footage, you can provide feedback, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that they adhere to safe driving practices.

Acting as a security camera

Motorcycle theft is a significant concern for many riders. In fact, 53,111 motorcycles were reported as stolen in the United States in 20202.

A dash cam with parking mode recording can serve as a security camera when your motorcycle is parked.

Motion sensors can record suspicious activity, attempted thefts, or vandalism, which can help identify the perpetrators and provide evidence to law enforcement or your insurance company.

How cameras can help in insurance claims

If you need to make an insurance claim, the burden of proof lies with the claimant.

It can be challenging to prove that you were not at fault in an accident, especially if there were no witnesses or the other party disputes your account of what happened.

This is where cameras come in handy. With cameras installed on your motorcycle, you can record the events leading up to an accident, providing visual evidence to support your claims.

Cameras can also help prevent insurance fraud. Some drivers may intentionally cause an accident to file a false insurance claim. You can record the incident with a camera and provide evidence to the authorities to prevent fraud.

Different types of dash cams available

There are different types of cameras available that you can install on your motorcycle, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a look at the most popular types.

Dash cameras

Dash cameras are mounted on the dashboard or windscreen of your motorcycle and record the events in front of you.

These cameras are ideal for capturing accidents, such as a car pulling out in front of you or running a red light.

Helmet cameras

Helmet cameras are attached to your helmet and provide a first-person view of the events. These cameras are ideal for recording accidents from your perspective, such as a car hitting you from behind.

Bike-mounted cameras

Bike-mounted cameras are attached to the motorcycle and can provide a wide-angle view of the events.

These cameras are ideal for recording accidents on the motorcycle's side, such as a car hitting you from the side.

Features to look for in a camera for insurance purposes

When looking for a camera to install on your motorcycle for insurance purposes, there are several features you should consider:

Video quality

The video quality of the camera is essential. You want a camera that can record high-quality footage, even in low-light conditions.

Battery life

Battery life is another crucial factor to consider. Look for a camera with a long battery life to record for an extended period without needing to be recharged.

Storage capacity

Storage capacity is essential, as you want a camera that can record for a long time without running out of space. Search for a camera that has a large storage capacity or supports expandable memory.

How to install and use a camera on your motorcycle

Installing a camera on your motorcycle is relatively easy. You can mount the camera on the dashboard, helmet, or bike itself, depending on the type of camera you choose.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Select a camera that is specifically designed for motorcycle use. Look for weatherproofing, vibration resistance, and a wide-angle lens for capturing a broad field of view.
  2. Decide where on your motorcycle you want to mount the camera. Common locations include the front fairing, handlebars, or rearview mirrors.
  3. Clean the surface where you plan to attach the camera mount. Use alcohol wipes or a mild cleaning solution to remove dirt, dust, or debris.
  4. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to securely attach the camera mount to the chosen location on your motorcycle. Use the provided screws, bolts, or adhesive mounts to ensure a stable connection.
  5. Position the camera at the desired angle to capture the best view. Consider the field of view, ensuring it covers the road ahead or behind, depending on your preference. Test the camera's angle and adjust as needed before finalizing the mounting.
  6. Depending on the camera model, you may need to connect it to your motorcycle's power source. This can be done by tapping into an existing electrical system or using a separate battery or power bank.
  7. Before hitting the road, record a test to ensure the camera functions correctly.

Using the camera is also easy. Simply turn it on and start recording. Make sure that the camera is set to record.

Bottom Line on Installing Motorcycle Dash Cams

All in all, installing a camera on your motorcycle for insurance purposes offers several benefits.

With cameras recording your rides, you have visual documentation that can support your insurance claims, refute false accusations, and promote safer driving habits.

Additionally, the availability of recorded video surveillance footage simplifies the claims process, ensures clear documentation of events, and may even lead to cost savings on insurance rates.

Overall, installing cameras on your motorcycle provides added security, confidence, and peace of mind while riding, benefiting your safety and financial well-being.

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